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What is potting season?

Potting season is the time of year in which house plants need to be re-potted, many gardens are started in indoor pots before being placed in the ground, and it's the perfect time to pot new plants around the house. 

When is potting season?

Early spring is usually the best time to pot plants. It is before growing season and allows time to have your plants ready for the outdoor environment after the last frost. 

Haven't started your garden yet? 

If you haven't started your garden yet don't worry, many have yet to put plants in the ground. How can you get started in order to make it in time? well we recommend visiting the USDA site to get information on your planting zone (https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov). After you discover your zone and understand the optimal time to plant your garden you must get ready. First you will need seeds and a way to plant those seeds. Local stores will have potting starters or garden starters to help you get your seeds planted indoors. Once you have selected how you will start your plants, you will need a place to plant those seeds. We recommend using our Garden Potting Table for easy potting, clean up, and portability once you move the garden outside. If you do not have a garden bed you can check out our Garden Bed Corner Brackets, to help you build a raised garden bed. Now that you have your location in place you must start your seeds, following the instructions on your seeds and kit(If this was the route you choose) plant your seeds indoor, this can be messy we recommend doing this in a garage or tiled area of the house. Once the seeds are planted you will need to place them in an area where they will get natural light. Now you are ready, following you planting zone guidelines you should be ready to get your plants in the ground on time. 

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